Achieving The Coveted Glass Skin Look

Achieving The Coveted Glass Skin Look

Recently, people have started to use the expression glass skin a lot when talking about skincare, and it refers to a face that is perfect, bright, and without pores. Originating from South Korea, the glass skin trend is all about achieving a ‘like glass’ skin texture. This has become a dream of many skincare enthusiasts around the world who promote an extensive skincare routine focusing on moisturizing, feeding the skin, and determining its tone. In this article, we discuss how you can get your glass-like skin through some simple steps, plus special items that may assist you with that.

Understanding What Is Glass Skin

The shimmer, radiance and translucency are what will give you the perfect glass- skin. Ideal for a look that is clean and flawless, glass-skin means no blemishes, no rough texture or open skin pores. To achieve this translucent shine, one should hold on to their skin routine as skin that glow from inside doesn’t require any make up but instead make up used for limited time periods.

Significance Of Hydration

Among the important factors in getting glass skin is hydration. To achieve that reflective and smooth glass-like quality, the skin should be plump and moisturized. Just applying a layer of thick moisturizer does not suffice; to effectively retain moisture, different hydrating products are layered on top of each other, where they penetrate deeper into the skin.

What Are The Steps To Achieving Glass Skin

Let us put some light on achieving glass skin:

Double Cleansing

The most essential factor for including a glass skin regimen is a complete cleansing process. To begin with, use an oil-based cleanser for removing make-up, sunscreens and also commodities that may be on the skin’s surface. After that, follow this procedure with a water based cleaner which will remove any left over residue thus ensuring your face remains clean and fresh without losing its natural oils.


In the case of glass skin, a hydrating toner is a need. This helps to maintain alignment between the pH levels of the skin and its moisture levels. Go for toners without alcohol but which contain hygroscopic compounds such as glycerol and hyaluronic acid to pull moisture from elsewhere into your derma.


Seal in moisture from all prior layers with a suitable moisturizer. Select a product that matches your skin type, but one that also penetrates deeply into your skin. Gel-based moisturizers suit oily skin, while cream-based ones suit dry ones.
